Rotate snapshot

Rotate a snapshot and plot column density and density cross-section in the disc plane.


The data is from the example dataset of a Phantom simulation with a single dust species using the separate particles (or “2-fluid”) method with an embedded planet.

import numpy as np
import plonk
from plonk import analysis

# Load the snapshot
snap = plonk.load_snap('disc_00030.h5')

# Define a rotation axis and angle
angle = np.pi / 2.5
axis = [1, 1, 0]

# Apply the rotation to the snapshot
snap.rotate(axis=axis, angle=angle)

# Plot units
snap.set_units(position='au', density='g/cm^3', projection='cm')

# Plot projection
snap.image(quantity='density', cmap='gist_heat')

# Plot cross-section in the disc plane
slice_normal = analysis.discs.unit_normal(snap=snap)
    quantity='density', interp='slice', slice_normal=slice_normal, cmap='gist_heat'