

You can install Plonk via the package manager Conda from the conda-forge channel.

conda install plonk --channel conda-forge

This will install the required dependencies.


You can simply use conda install plonk if you add the conda-forge channel with conda config --add channels conda-forge. I also recommend strictly using conda-forge which you can do with conda config --set channel_priority true. Both of these commands modify the Conda configuration file ~/.condarc.


You can also install Plonk from PyPI via pip.

python -m pip install plonk

This should install the required dependencies.


You can install Plonk from source as follows.

# clone via HTTPS
$ git clone

# or clone via SSH
$ git clone

$ cd plonk
$ python -m pip install -e .

This assumes you have already installed the dependencies. One way to do this is by setting up a conda environment. The environment.yml file provided sets up a conda environment “plonk” for using or developing Plonk.

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate plonk

Plonk has Python runtime requirements listed in setup.cfg in the install_requires variable.